miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010

Sandwich Course

Sandwich Course:

Sandwich course is an educational course in which you
have periods of study between periods of being at work.

Sandwich courses were named to describe the alternation
of a study period in university and a training period in
industry which characterizes them. This is done by a
common arrangement in six month in University followed
by six months in a training situation for a company.
The term "sandwich" is in general use in Britain though
a few prefer the name "integrated course", while in America
the accepted terminology is "cooperative course".
My opinion on this alternative of studying is that it
should be applied in Chile not making it compulsory at once,
but trying to merge it into our system gradually.
This option can give students a bigger picture of what they
are studying, solving the problem of many students who finish
their career and don't know where to work, or how to do it.
Sandwich courses could give them that early experience that
could also guide them through out their career.
I personally would try a sandwich course instead of the system
that the university runs now a days.

1 comentario:

  1. Mientras más avanzo en la carrera más creo que la experiencia en el mundo laboral será fundamental. Creo que la universidad te ayuda a abrir la mente al enseñarte teorías y nuevos métodos, pero si estos no se practican no servirán de nada. Creo que incorporar esto a la educación chilena, sería un gran paso para formar mejores profesionales.
